
It even spreads itself against the sky.

So I come back from office hours in the computer lab today to my regular office, and the faculty (in the seminar room, which is one paper-thin wall from my office) are discussing the current graduate students and their overall impressions of us. Ugh. And, of course, the first name I hear is "Dorsey". This caused a fair amount of trauma for me, because there's a certain temptation to sit there and listen, get their real impressions. But I chickened out. I put on some headphones to my recently-ripped "Depeche Mode 101" and started grading some papers. I did hear two positive things and one mildly negative thing, but I couldn't make out exactly what the overall assessment was. I wish I wouldn't have heard what I heard.

Which brings me to the greatest thing about iTunes.

iTunes has this amazing property: the ability to rip disks that are thoroughly scratched to all hell. Case in point: Depeche Mode 101. I bought that record from a used CD store in Morgantown, WV in 1992. It's been unplayable since 1993. But for some reason, I kept it around, never really throwing it out. Yesterday I ripped it completely to iTunes, no skips, no problems. What a country! I also supplemented by horrifically anemic Prince collection on my computer with Purple Rain (to complement Sign O the Times and Dirty Mind). I think I've come to the conclusion that Purple Rain is actually not Prince's best record. I think that title belongs to Sign O. That one's a fantastic record. Especially disk 2: starts off with a bang: U Got the Look, followed by If I Was Your Girlfriend, and I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man. Also, I love the extended funkiness of Gonna Be a Beautiful Night - especially the sequence that starts like this:

Everybody to the west-uh, everybody to the east-uh, everyman a picture - with my chicken grease, get wit' it!

da; da-da-da-da





Tell me you're not dancing right now. And if you do, you're lying.


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