
She bears the burden of a pretty face.

Wow. A long absence. Don't really have all that much interesting to say. This weekend has been sorta' slow. I slept for a very long time yesterday trying to bury the last vestiges of the sore-throat-and-cough combo I've been fighting. It's almost completely gone; gone enough to describe myself as "better". Sweeeet. I hate being sick. I'm a bit of a weenie about it; I have a tendency to complain far more than necessary. Oh well.

On Friday I had the pleasure of watching Three Amigos! Great, funny, funny, stuff. I was struck by how funny the "Amigos Theme Song" is right at the beginning of the movie. Not just because they hold that note for a ridiculously long time, but also because there's this little vocal harmony bit that's just, I dunno, totally out of context for those bumbling morons. You know the bit: "We are the Threee A-haaah-migos. We are the threeeeee A-HAAAH-migos!" That 'haaah' is a really funny moment in the song. Check it out for yourselves. Also, I never knew this, but it was written by Steve Martin (naturally), John Landis (who directed it), and Randy Newman. Randy Newman?!?! The piano guy with the weird glasses and strange voice, the one who sings the intro song to Major League? Yup. I never knew he was a comedy writer, but apparently, in addition to penning such classics as "My Little Buttercup", he also wrote a few of the jokes. Good for him.

Last night I played a rousing game of Monopoly and was, of course, the victor. Ended up with Monopolies on Medeterranian/Baltic, Connecticut/Vermont/Oriental, and St. James Place/New York/Tennessee. Fantastic combo. I had those sides of the board covered. Rematch soon, and I'm looking forward to it.

I actually didn't have a copy of the game when I decided I wanted to play last night. So I ended up going to this shopping center with a store called "Game Empire". This place doesn't have, you know, the staples (Monopoly, Clue, Scrabble), but it does have all these weird, cool strategy games; the type of game where you try to beat the other person by building the Paris Metro quicker. I'd like to try one of those sometime, but this place wanted like $35 for each one of those. Fat freakin' chance.


Blogger Matthew J. Brown said...

FYI, Evan has a big collection of those crazy games.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

Man, it's rumors like that that give a dude a reputation.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

oh and incidentally, though a game about building the Paris Metro may sound like another of Dale's wittily hyperbolic flights of fancy, it's actually a pretty good game in the spirit of Carcassonne and The Very Clever Pipe Game. I'm thinking of getting a copy.

Not that I, uh, collect those crazy games or anything

12:21 AM  

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