
This may come as a SHOCK!!

I showed up slightly late to school today, way behind in my preparation for the section I was supposed to teach at 9:30. As I was frantically trying to figure out what I was going to say about Virginia Held's "Terrorism, Rights, and Political Goals", and Bat-Ami Bar On's "Why Terrorism is Morally Problematic", I started hearing little bells, sleigh bells, if you will, down the hall in the otherwise deserted 7th floor. What followed was perhaps the oddest scene I've ever been a party to.

I ignored the bells for awhile, thinking that Pippin or one of the staff members must be dressed festively (for some reason), and that he or she had slipped under my notice as I was making my way past one closed door after another to my office. But the bells just kept ringing. If it had been a staff member, I would a) hear their voice, b) stop hearing the bells after a certain point, or c) see them walk past my office. None of which actually occurred. I was starting to get a little nervous.

Then, all of a sudden, the bells started getting louder and were moving, decidedly, toward my office. I could no longer ignore them, and looked up from my lesson-planning session. I then observed the source of the bells: a very small wiener dog trotted into my office, looked up at me briefly, smelled my bag, and trotted back out again, merrily ringing the whole time.

This struck me as strange. Once again, the office was deserted. There was no owner of the dog following it around, there was no one calling out "here [name of dog]!" There was, apparently, some miscellaneous wiener dog roaming around the 7th floor checking out people's offices.

Frankly, it's a little disconcerting at nine in the morning.

P.S. For those of you interested, I've remixed the song I was working on earlier. There's a new ending, if you'd like to check it out (I think it's better). It's on the Castrato page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would freak me out, too. Kind of surreal.

Ever figure out who it belonged to?

12:43 PM  

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