
Well, it finally happened.

Finally, after a long year and a half of totally immature, boorish behavior; after completely ignoring the fact that he was the one who lacked power in the arrangement; after being warned several times by the person who had power in the arrangement, my roommate finally got us kicked out of our apartment. Kicked the hell out. Out on the street. Out on our ears. Well, not now, but thirty days from now.

Apparently (because I wasn't there, I was busy winning another couple of bucks off the poor saps in my bi-weekly poker game) it went down like this: roommate has friends (several) over to watch the basketball game. Friends and roommate proceed to create a ton of noise. During overtime the landlord bangs on the door and tells them to shut up. Roommate (willing to bet drunk/high) accuses him of being a hypocrite. Landlord gives him thirty days.

I suppose technically I'm free to stay. But I a) can't afford to live there without a roommate and b) as readers of this blog are well aware, would much rather be living on my own in some studio in some crappy part of town. So I'm going that route. I just can't believe it. This is the same stuff that nearly got him kicked out last time. He KNEW that the landlord gets pissed off when he screams at the top of his lungs during basketball games. He KNEW that the guy doesn't like to be argued with. How can you be so dumb? Ugh. This tops it.

It works out for me just fine, I hope. I'm going to get out of the lease. Presumably next month will be prorated. I just am flabbergasted at the shear irresponsibility of my roommate. Just can't believe it. Honestly can't believe it. He had every incentive in the world to keep our landlord happy. He wanted to leave at the end of the summer, leave for good. Now he has to find some sort of short-term temporary arrangement before he leaves town. Just astonished, am I.

Oh where, oh where am I going to live? Guess I should start combing the ads.


Blogger Dr. Castrato said...

have you checked yer gmail in the last week? i sent you some messages.

3:17 PM  

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