
She was right there with it.

Natural phenomena can be a serious disappointment sometimes. Take this week, for instance. On Tuesday, whilst at an end-of-the-year party for the grad students here, it was announced that San Diego County was under a tsunami warning for the rest of the night. And since this party was being held in an apartment complex aptly named the "Coast Apartments", it was a little freaky. A little, shall we say, freaky-deaky. Apparently there was a 7.0 magnitude quake off the coast of northern California, and since the waves have a tendency to move south-eastward from the north, we were facing a big tsunami-sandwich.

Nothing happened.

Which is good, I suppose. I mean, a tsunami killed all those people over in Indonesia not too long ago. But, I mean, nothing happened. It would have been cool to have seen at least something. Like, a few non-tsunami but nonetheless monster waves. Diddly.

Which, according to some, was a very good thing because they were planning on surfing that night because the dinoflaggellates were out. Now, if you're not familiar with these things, you're not alone. But apparently they're some sort of algae that creep in during the summer and that are naturally bioluminescent (like lightning bugs) and they cause this eerie weird blue light when disturbed. Apparently, when you're surfing, it looks like there's a neon blue streak trailing you in the water. So, naturally, I was interested to see these things.

Total disappointment.

I went yesterday night (Tuesday) down to the beach to see if I could see any strange blue lights going off with the waves. Bubkis. Goose-egg on the natural phenomena for Dale this week.

Until today.

I went to see Star Wars Three again today, which was enjoyable again. (Though I have more questions: it seems as though, after Star Wars Three, Vader is clearly the Number Two Guy in the Galactic Empire. But where the hell does Grand Moff Tarkin come from? I mean, he seems to be in charge of Darth Vader ["Vader, release him!"], so, I mean, is he some mystery man between the emperor and DV? If so, I would have liked a little more explanation.) In any event, during the first battle scene, I feel my seat a-rockin'. Nothing scandelous, I just thought it was the bass from the movie, or perhaps some jerk behind me kicking me. Then I learned that a 5.3 magnitude earthquake went off about two hours from here while I was in the movie. Very strange. It was a different sensation than the first time I was in an earthquake: the first one was slower, more dizzying, I felt like the bottom floor of the building I was in had turned to jello. Not this time; this time it was much more like you see in the movies: rapid, jostling. So I'm 1 for 3 on the cool natural stuff. Dang. I need to up that percentage somehow. Well, maybe not the tsunamis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say, Dale, while you're on the subject of Episode III, let me ask you something. Who do you think is more evil—Satan or Chancellor Palpatine? Before seeing Episode III, I would have said Satan without a doubt. After all, Satan is Satan. But after seeing Episode III, that judgment now seems highly debatable. What do you think?

2:15 PM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Er, is that a real question?

2:42 PM  

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