
San Diego Apartment Hunt: Day 2!

Well, this apartment hunting thing is getting a little old already, and it's only been a day and a half. Yesterday, I was really excited about this studio in Mission Hills, the rent was a paltry $625, and the inviting voice on the message said that I was to "drive by" and call them after I saw the outside of the place. So I "drove by" and called them. Sometime between when I left campus and when I got to Mission Hills, the dang thing was rented. Screwed!

Then there was the second place I saw yesterday. It was the middle apartment in this line of bungalows in Bay Park. Now, from the sound of it, you might think this area is full of good things (views of the ocean, etc.) Well, the only wave-like sounds heard in this apartment would be the sound of the following three things moving in and out of phase: Interstate 5 (a paltry 30 yards away), Amtrak tracks (20 yards), Morena Blvd. (10 yards). Noisy place, no view. Actually, that's false. There is a view. It's a view of the Hilton, a hotel that actually has views. So not only do you not get to see the ocean, you get to see all those people who actually do get to see the ocean have lots of fun seeing it. Jerks. Anyway, this apartment itself was very nice. And the landlord dude was willing to wait until the middle of July. The only weird thing is that he refuses to prorate the rent from the middle of July. I can move in when I need to, but whenever I move in, a full month's rent is due, and that date (say, the 15th) becomes the date when my rent is due henceforth. So what the hell's the point of waiting until the middle of the month? I only get one paycheck per month, so it's not going to be any financial help to me to start in the middle rather than at the beginning. Either way, I'm paying $625 plus whatever I have to pay at my current place.

Then there's today.

I have another appointment in about a half-hour, but the last place I saw was a decent sized studio (actually, not that huge, if you ask me - contrary to the landlord's claims), but it was one of these "I have room in my basement for a studio apartment, and I may as well rent it out to somebody" kinda' deals. I'm not super comfortable with such an arrangement. It sort fo seems like just another way of having a roommate. PLUS it was more in rent per month than the Bay Park place AND it opened up RIGHT on the 805 freeway. Talk about noise. I think I'm going to pass on that one.

Frankly, this process is exhausting the hell out of me. I'm thinking of just taking the Bay Park place just to get the whole thing overwith. Sure, it's a crappy neighborhood, but the place is decent and it's moderately affordable. Ugh.


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