
Observations from a weekend.

1. I'm incredibly adept at ordering people to clean. At the Turtle's place on Sunday, I was a drill sergeant. I was the Josef Stalin of cleaning (without, you know, the killing). Although I did a reasonable amount of cleaning myself, I take most of the credit for pointing out what was dirt, what wasn't, and what needed to be cleaned. Satisfying, indeed. Now all I have to do is do this to my place before I move out in two days. Tomorrow is going to be a serious trash-taking-out/box-putting-in day. I'm looking forward to it with a high degree of anticipation.

2. Songs I most often imagine myself as the lead singer of (in reverse order). To clarify: I imagine that I am the lead singer of the song, not that I imagine myself as the person who is actually the lead singer of the song (see #'s 4 and 5). If you're bothered, this list is essentially just the songs I sing most loudly in my car:

5. Joga
4. Money Changes Everything
3. Welcome to the Working Week
2. Blue Sky Mine
1. Sunless Saturday

3. The Turtle's apartment complex has become an official den of sin.

4. Uncle Barry is getting on my nerves in a serious way. I have reservations about the next trivia night. As I was sitting in my car, about to perform a reasonably sensitive medical procedure on myself, Barry appears at the window, knocks on it, and cheerfully asserts: "They're showing the Burgess Meredith Twilight Zone episode!" As I was holding the syringe in my right hand, in plain view, I think he eventually got the picture to leave me alone, but not before I shot him a look that said: "Get the hell out of here, Barry, or I'm going to go all Claus von Bulow on your ass." Later in the party, after staring at me for, like, ten minutes, he asks me what brand of blood glucose monitor I use. I couldn't stand it any more. I had to take a break from the party at that point. I was mad as hell, and I just couldn't take it any more.

5. I gotta start hanging out with people my own age. Or, at least, reasonably close to my own age.

6. Hodad's on Thursday is going to taste soooooo gooooooood.


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