
In the blink of an eye, thank you and goodnight.

It's been a pretty hectic day. It started for me at 6:30am, with my alarm going off, me angrily hitting the 'snooze' button. This action wasn't particularly well thought-through. Ya' see, I was supposed to move today, and there was still a little bit of packing/trash-taking-out that needed to be done before I had to head downtown to get the keys, drop my first month's rent off, and whatnot. Anyway, I wake up about an hour late and have to book it in a serious way. I do a little packing, get a cashier's check from the bank, and drive it downtown, where I get the excellent keys to my new apartment. Woohoo!

So after that, I ran to Uhaul, where the guy behind the desk was getting chewed out in a serious way by his boss. Apparently, the kid forgot to bill a customer for something, or some other such thing. Whatever. Anyway, I get the trunk (which, frankly, scares the shit out of me when I drive it. Ugh. Scary in a serious way) and drive it back to my old place. The Turtle, The Graduate, and Ironman Jack show up to give me a hand loading the truck, although The Graduate spent most of the time carting out couch cushions and discussing the finer points of bong mechanics with my former roommate ("So, uh, how does this work?"). Anyway, as per our agreement, I bought the sumbitches lunch and we went to the new place, sans Graduate. Anyway, The Turtle, Ironman Jack and I burned rubber getting the stuff off the truck. Took us like 10 minutes. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration. 15 minutes. Anyway, it didn't take much time, so we were basically just looking for stuff to do before I agreed to take them to Hodad's. Did a little arranging of the furniture, and took a nice walk around my new neighborhood (which, actually, made me a little tired given my decision to cart my bag and computer along to check my email at Lestat's).

Hodad's was fun. Sausageman and his girl came along, and I had a chocolate milkshake. Good stuff. After that, I spent like 45 minutes in Wal-Mart trying to find where their dishracks were stationed. Wal-Mart was a bit on an interesting experience this time. I remember in my previous life that I hated going to this place, that I couldn't understand why anyone would spend more than five seconds going over the votive candles trying to select the best scent. But there I was, spending ten minutes trying to decide between Tropical Breeze and Honeysuckle (eventually settled on Honeysuckle). Perhaps it's different when you feel like it's really your place, as opposed to someone else's that's being improved. Or perhaps it's just that married life left me a little scarred. In any event, I'm back at my place now, new shower curtain, new set of votive scented candles, new dishrack, tying this on my computer over one of my neighbor's wireless networks. The signal strength isn't the strongest, but hey, it works.

The upshot is I'm in my new place. My place. My damn place. Ain't nobody's place but mine. It's not perfect. It's a little dirty in places, and I'm going to be taking cold showers for the next five days, but it's mine. Mine all mine.


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