
And they prey on you.

Well, my hot water was supposed to be turned on this morning. Notice that I said "was supposed to be" rather than "was" for a reason. Because it wasn't. The gas company does this always-awesome scheduling thing where they tell you you have to be home for four hours during the day. So I was up bright and early at 8am, moaping around my house waiting for the dude to show up. At around 11, I called the company, and was told: "we attempted to turn on your gas, but were unable to gain access." Gain access? What the hell does that mean? "Gain access, what the hell does that mean?" "That means we were unable to get into your apartment." Well, no shit. It's tough to actually get into an apartment when you never set foot anywhere near it. This woman proceeded to tell me that the guy actually did show up, knocked, waited around for a few minutes, and then eventually gave up. Fat freakin' chance. I mean, I didn't spend the whole time with my ear to the door, but I was in the place. I was awake. Pisses me off.

After nearly breaking my phone in half as a result of that heartwarming conversation, I decided I had to get out of here. I moseyed over to the local market and bought some stuff to make for dinner and then took off to campus, which was largely uneventful besides yet another in the innumerable times I've left my phone somewhere, either on campus, or at home, when I need it. Ugh. Pisses me off.

Now I'm just killing time between organizing my CDs and DVDs. The CDs were a big job. There are about six shelves worth of them, and they were in no discernable order whatsoever. But now they're in the ideal CD order: alphabetical by artist, chronological within artist. I really hate that iTunes puts things alpha by album within artist rather than chronologically. There might be some way to change that, but whatever, it should do that automatically. That's clearly the correct way to organize one's CDs. Next up are the DVDs, and I'm having trouble deciding what scheme I should use. Should it be straightforward alpha by title? Or should it be alpha by director? By genre? Should the TV shows be grouped in a separate category from the movies proper, or should it just be a big mish mash? These decisions really get in my way sometimes. After a half-hour of debating this absolutely inane topic, I'm going to end up giving up on organizing at all, going to 7-11, and buying a thing of ice cream and sitting on the couch all night. Ugh. Pisses me off.


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