
Well yeah, I know, but when we did there was something we weren't thinking of.

I received a bit of weird/pleasant news today. My summer support was looking a bit dodgy; I was teaching a class, but that salary was not going to be enough to get me through the summer. I took on some extra work to save money, but that extra saved money should really have been going to pay of my credit card/student loan debts. So I get an email today saying that my advisor had applied for summer RAship support for me, without me asking or him approaching me. So this was exactly the windfall I needed! WOOHOO! I could pay off credit cards, afford a deposit on a new apartment, etc., etc.

But just now things got bizarre.

I was approached by the department graduate administrator who said there's another grad student whose summer support was not locked down, and if it didn't go through, could he/she have my RAship? But she didn't want to put me on the spot. UGH! How does this not put me on the spot? I'm conflicted, of course. I really need that money - the amount of money I have on credit is a serious joke. But I definitely don't want someone else to go without funding of any kind. That would be awful. They don't know when they'll know about the other person's summer funding.

Damn! What am I supposed to do? This affects me right now: if I got the money, I was going to waste NO TIME in sending money off to credit card companies with my meager savings. If I don't, I obviously can't. I suppose I should wait. I mean, I could just tell her that I won't give the money up. I'm sure she'd be fine with that. But that would grate on my conscience, I think.

If I just would have come to school today and heard nothing, I'd be in a better mood. I'd be able to get this work done that I desperately need to get done. 'Tis not to be. I'm going to fret the day away, I think.


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