
Papers, Rent, Roommates

Last night was fun; I drove a bunch of souls down to see jazz night at the Onyx Room. Great quintet was playing. All straight-ahead, hard-bop type stuff. The ensemble didn't gel quite as well as I'm used to at the Onyx Room, but all the individual playing was really top-notch.

Then, when I got home at about 12:30, my roommate is up and proceeds to give me shit about paying half of the rent on the apartment when he has the smaller room. (In actuality, he doesn't pay half, I pay about ten dollars per month more than he does, but whatever.) Even though he said that he was fine about paying half when he moved in and he said nothing about this in the year since he's been living there. Turns out he was just trying to manipulate me into actively searching for a new apartment, because our landlord just raised the rent by thirty bucks, fifteen of which is, apparently, more than he is willing to pay to not have to move. I'm fine with moving, but I wish he just would have said so in the first place. So I'm looking for a new place, I guess, but I'm also going to be looking for places that are Dale-only, if I can find one suitably in my price range (not bloody likely). But if we do move, it looks as though we might be able to make money on the deal, there are some nice two-bedrooms available for less than we're paying now.

Then today I got slammed with 30 11-page papers that I have to grade by Monday. I can't even bear the thought of starting them.

If anybody knows of any cheap apartments in San Diego, lemme know. I'm on the market.


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