
I come dancing in.

Alright, jagoffs.

Here's the Castrato Trax Page.

If you have problems downloading the files (that is, if you click on one and it gives you a bunch of gibberish, that's not actually music), you should right-click (or control-click) and hit "Save Target As..." and then you do what you want. These are mpeg4 files, you know, the kind that iTunes uses, so I don't know if they work on PC. Oh well.

Help yourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. Klausie played a bunch of them for me.


7:23 AM  
Blogger Dr. Castrato said...

This is pretty awesome. So, the song I sang was called "Dickmonger." And I think the live track "?" was the one called Action Ska or something, but I really don't remember. Pat would know.

Man we kicked some ass. but at the same time, how the hell did anyone dance to that crap??

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the distinguished gentleman from Chicago. This is awesome. I was hoping someone would do this sometime soon.

That mustard-plug-sounding song was called "451," if memory serves. It's too bad that our last song ever, Dale's magnum opus "Sally009.jpg," has evidently been lost to history. "Action" was really fast with a pentatonic horn line.

Our complete lack of self-consciousness still kind of blows my mind. I love that we figured it made sense to throw a funk break into a punk rock song. Or that pasty white suburbanites can pull off a Jamaiacan accent. Or that diabetes is at all funny.

9:26 AM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Not only lack of self-consciousness thematically, but also, just in terms of basic musicianship. What the fuck was Tony doing during (thanks Matt Barr) Dickmonger? I mean really? I am convinced, though, that with a lot of time and one hell of a lot of money, we would have produced a somewhat better than mediocre record.

10:19 AM  

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