
I'm a'movin' on down - again.

So my new apartment didn't quite work out like I wanted. Frankly, it's a little small. Half of the bathroom is in the bedroom. The kitchen is little more than a hallway. The kitchen cupboards are in the living room.

Then there's the chaos outside. One neighbor, Willy, listens to Fox News on full blast all day long. As far as I can tell, he has no means of employment - with two loud kids. The other two neighbords, whose names I cannot pronounce, something like "Sharita," or something like that, are lound beyond comprehension. Screaming. Lots of the use of the word "fuck". Many different permutations of the word. Also home to kids. Ill-behaved children. On one occasion, one of these children chucked a scoop of ice cream at me.

So I just closed the deal for a new apartment beginning March 1st. It's a nice little place. No garbage disposal; you have to take the trash out yourself; no parking; but other than that, it's nice. Bigger. No children. Bay windows. People are mostly quiet. It's also even further South than I am now. It's in a neighborhood that actually has "South" as part of its designator. Although it's only about a ten minute walk from an "independent and foreign DVD rental" establishment, and a place that makes homemade scones. Here's a satellite image. It's supposed to be a "trendy" area. I'm cool with that. It's also three blocks from a frisbee golf course.

So line up now. Sometime in the week before March 1, I'm going to be moving in. Anyone helping is entitled to free Hodad's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't kjnow what Hodad's is, but I'm happy for you. Sounds cool!


5:59 PM  

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