Abra, Abra Cadabra. Wanna reach out'n grab ya.
I'm back. I don't promise daily or even bi-daily posts, or anything like that. But I've got stuff to say. So I'm a'gonna say it.
ITEM! The last karaoke night was a serious success. There must have been, like, twenty of us there or something. Only four members of our party actually performed, however, but the performances were good, and the drink was free-flowing. I tell ya', that bowling alley is one happening place. Or something like that. I mean, it's not un-happening. At least when we're there. I mean, we're basically talking about a total shithole, except when we're there. And then it's pretty, well, it's, you know, it's a bowling alley.
There were really three notable things about karaoke night. It was the first night I really thought I was getting to know some of the first years. Maybe it's because I've been spending a lot of time south of the 8, maybe it's because these people are, well, a little scarce in places. Anyway, it was cool. The second thing was that this scary woman who has previously molested Math Rock on a few different occasions was there with an actual date. I mean, this is some scary shit. This woman, wow. She looks a little bit like Cruella Deville's unkempt, gimpy sister - the one who stayed home while Cruella went off to prom with whoever she went with. Lex Luthor, maybe. Anyway, it's a hell of a thing. The third notable thing was that there was a guy who seriously looked like Karl Rove doing some pretty sweet karaoke. Imagine that Karl Rove had a blonde goatee, and you've got this guy.

Oh, and the fourth thing was that I was freakin' sweet, as usual. This time: "Bang on the Drum" by Todd Rundgren, and "Just a Gigolo". I think I'm going to do the latter this weekend at the big San Diego Champeenships.
ITEM! Free Beer Night at the pub was a less serious success, but still cool. There was, for some reason, a ton of undergraduates. Why this was, I don't know, but it contributed to the pub running out of beer at 10:30, which was a little lame. But I was pretty drunk by that time, in any event. The Turtle's neighbors were there, and that made for some pretty sweet gossip - although I felt like I was giving more than I was getting. Oh well. That's the way life works, sometimes. The Turtle's neighbors were also present at The Count and Honest Aeb's cocktail and fancy-dress party on Saturday. I went in a suit. Most everybody there had a tie on, and those who didn't were either a) female, or dressing in female-role clothing, b) wearing at least a blazer, c) wearing a decent shirt. I liked that sort of thing. I like dressing up. Mostly because I like the way tailored clothes look on me. Also because I like the way tailored clothes look on basically anybody. There's a bit of Jeeves in me, I think. I think the world would be a much better place if everyone dressed well most of the time. Of course, there are a lot of things that go with that that would be much more important in making the world a better place, but in any event, that would make it even better. I seem to remember a lot of talk surrounding the Turtle's neighbors and their physical attributes - which, at the time, I might have though inappropriate, but what the hell do I know? I also spent a lot of time talking about Werner Herzog. And who doesn't like that? I didn't get terribly drunk, given that I had to drive, but I had a nice couple glasses of whiskey. Which is always a sign of a good night.
ITEM! I finished a draft of my dissertation on Friday, which is pretty freakin' sweet. I didn't even get drunk or anything. Not sure why. I'm pretty convinced that I'll be getting shitfaced this coming Sunday, though, at Oktoberfest in Del Mar. It's ten bucks to get in, and the beer is five bucks, but it's a good time. And, after all, I must compete in the karaoke-off. And I will win. Oh, I will win.
ITEM! The last karaoke night was a serious success. There must have been, like, twenty of us there or something. Only four members of our party actually performed, however, but the performances were good, and the drink was free-flowing. I tell ya', that bowling alley is one happening place. Or something like that. I mean, it's not un-happening. At least when we're there. I mean, we're basically talking about a total shithole, except when we're there. And then it's pretty, well, it's, you know, it's a bowling alley.
There were really three notable things about karaoke night. It was the first night I really thought I was getting to know some of the first years. Maybe it's because I've been spending a lot of time south of the 8, maybe it's because these people are, well, a little scarce in places. Anyway, it was cool. The second thing was that this scary woman who has previously molested Math Rock on a few different occasions was there with an actual date. I mean, this is some scary shit. This woman, wow. She looks a little bit like Cruella Deville's unkempt, gimpy sister - the one who stayed home while Cruella went off to prom with whoever she went with. Lex Luthor, maybe. Anyway, it's a hell of a thing. The third notable thing was that there was a guy who seriously looked like Karl Rove doing some pretty sweet karaoke. Imagine that Karl Rove had a blonde goatee, and you've got this guy.

Oh, and the fourth thing was that I was freakin' sweet, as usual. This time: "Bang on the Drum" by Todd Rundgren, and "Just a Gigolo". I think I'm going to do the latter this weekend at the big San Diego Champeenships.
ITEM! Free Beer Night at the pub was a less serious success, but still cool. There was, for some reason, a ton of undergraduates. Why this was, I don't know, but it contributed to the pub running out of beer at 10:30, which was a little lame. But I was pretty drunk by that time, in any event. The Turtle's neighbors were there, and that made for some pretty sweet gossip - although I felt like I was giving more than I was getting. Oh well. That's the way life works, sometimes. The Turtle's neighbors were also present at The Count and Honest Aeb's cocktail and fancy-dress party on Saturday. I went in a suit. Most everybody there had a tie on, and those who didn't were either a) female, or dressing in female-role clothing, b) wearing at least a blazer, c) wearing a decent shirt. I liked that sort of thing. I like dressing up. Mostly because I like the way tailored clothes look on me. Also because I like the way tailored clothes look on basically anybody. There's a bit of Jeeves in me, I think. I think the world would be a much better place if everyone dressed well most of the time. Of course, there are a lot of things that go with that that would be much more important in making the world a better place, but in any event, that would make it even better. I seem to remember a lot of talk surrounding the Turtle's neighbors and their physical attributes - which, at the time, I might have though inappropriate, but what the hell do I know? I also spent a lot of time talking about Werner Herzog. And who doesn't like that? I didn't get terribly drunk, given that I had to drive, but I had a nice couple glasses of whiskey. Which is always a sign of a good night.
ITEM! I finished a draft of my dissertation on Friday, which is pretty freakin' sweet. I didn't even get drunk or anything. Not sure why. I'm pretty convinced that I'll be getting shitfaced this coming Sunday, though, at Oktoberfest in Del Mar. It's ten bucks to get in, and the beer is five bucks, but it's a good time. And, after all, I must compete in the karaoke-off. And I will win. Oh, I will win.
welcome back, jackhole
So I feel a *little* bad about the "double dawg dare you" thing, but you know it was out of profound respect, yes? :-) Anyway, the least you can do is email this Ex-Pat the code names of people mentioned in posts so I can keep up on dept happenings! Come on, do the sista a favor here. [[The Count and Honest Abe were *too* obvious, though...]] And keep those posts coming!
Yes, welcome back indeed. Congrats on finishing the draft, and here's to more glorious karaoke.
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