
Budapest - by Blimp!

I have nothing but, well, decent things to say about Midwest Airlines. It's categorically impossible to give an airline a good rating, but I found that my journey from San Diego to Kansas City was not unbearable in the way an American or Delta flight can be. I had room to watch (most of) The Wages of Fear (again) on my computer, while enjoying some freshly-squeezed chocolate chip cookies. The flight only took 2 1/2 hours, so that was also a bonus. Had dinner with my mom and sister at a place called the 54th Stree Bar and Grill, even though this place was nowhere near any sort of 54th street. Closer, actually, to 154th street. In any event, they had a lot of crazy crap on the walls, so there was plenty to keep me entertained.

Not a whole lot to report, besides (hopefully) getting a draft done on a paper I'd like to send out soon. Any thoughts on the following quadlemma?

1. Would like to get professor's comments on paper.
2. Professor hasn't responded in the four months he's had the paper.
3. In order for the paper to fit on CV for next year's market, would have to go out soon.
4. Sending it out now might risk offending said professor.

What to do?

In other news, I've really been getting into Thomas Dolby lately. I've had a copy of his greatest hits for some years, but never really listened to it. Of course, it has his classic "She Blinded Me with Science," which is a bit, for me, like Devo's "Whip It." A decent song, but not his best, and known by too many people at the negligence of some of his better stuff. There's some really really great stuff on this record. Witness "Screen Kiss". Witness "I Love You Goodbye". Witness "The Flat Earth". Good tunes, all. He gets a little smooth-jazzy in places (and, in a couple of places, I recognize the distinct Prince influence, which, frankly, doesn't fit the British nerd image so well), but overall a very strong collection.

Tonight I'm supposed to be hanging out with Shelby (who is, well, a few hours late; not sure what's up). Unfortunately the open-mic night is cancelled, given that the, well, open mic night is cancelled. So no "Peace of Mind" or "Country Roads."

Take me home, baby. Take me home.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, do you remember when we were at the Live Wire, and were playing pool (maybe it was just me?) and the DJ played a Thomas Dolby song that I didn't recognize, and you clued me in, and I was all "this is awesome," and you were all "yeah I know," and then we never talked about it again? What was the name of that song? If I recall correctly, it had a kind of latin thing going on, with an alternating chromatic chord structure.

12:09 AM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Oh yeah. That actually made me go back and listen to that CD. That song is "I Scare Myself," which is on the record. I can send it over, if you want.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Dr. Castrato said...


9:09 AM  

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