
I don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein, or Superman.

It's been something of a few days, what what? A decent couple of days at that. On Thursday I left school at around 7-ish, had an extremely pleasing Chipotle dinner (although, I have to say, the meat was quite watery - the tacos lost their pleasant crisp and the inherent danger of breakage - a little bit of living on the edge, if you catch my meaning), and spent a while at Tower Records. I had recently gotten in the mail a "Get $10 off a purchase of $50 or more" coupon, and decided to make use of it. Basically everything they wanted was on sale, so I got a bunch of CDs and the new special edition version of "Depeche Mode 101" on DVD for fifty bucks all told. Pretty sweet. Did anyone know Sting does all the backing vocals on "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits?

I couldn't get to sleep that night, quite a rare problem for me, so I ended up staying up until, like 4am. Quite a harrowing experience, especially since I had to get up at seven the next day for some meetings on campus. And then, after I expected to be extremely tired, I couldn't get to sleep again, so I ended up going to the Live Wire with a bunch of the regulars. I happened to run into a particularly controversial ex-barista who used to work at the pub on campus. Hated by some, but she was always nice to me. One of the members of our party wanted to fight her. I think I helped keep the peace. After last call, I still wasn't tired, so ended up staying up WAY LATE again. This can't become a habit, or I'm going to ruin my education.

Yesterday, however, I regained control. Went in to work, and I think I came up with a reasonably good argument (or set of arguments) for one of the central points in my thesis. Before it was (roughly): Isn't this obvious - and - John Stuart Mill said this! Now it's: Screw John Stuart Mill - and - Isn't this obvious? Which, I think, is much better. Don't you? Saturday night brought me, once again, to the bowling alley for some karaoke. This time it was a special occasion. Money Changes Everything's birthday happened to fall yesterday, and I had agreed, on my birthday, to let her pick out some tune for me to perform. Well, knowing, as I did, that the bowling alley got pretty crowded on a Saturday, I knew I was going to have to get my songs in quick to have a chance of doing them before the night ran out. Nevertheless, MCE and the crew were running late. What to do, what to do. Eventually I remembered her preferences (I thought), and wrote them down. All worked out (I think). I rattled off "Killer Queen" and "Kiss" - though my voice wasn't in any kind of shape for either one of them. I remember I tried to actually do some dancing during the extended dance section of "Kiss", only to wear myself out completely for the finale. Live and learn, I suppose.

Today the momentous actually happened - I finally beat Mega Man. The last bit was really hard, where you have to battle four of the master robots before finally meeting Dr. Wily - without any powerups. Whew! Took me awhile, but I eventually got the pattern for Fireman down, which helped quite a bit. Dr. Wily was actually reasonably easy, I thought.

Early bed tonight. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


Blogger Dapper Dad said...

Hey, I caught that "education" comment.

Now you're ready for Mega Man 2. But that Quickman level is a bitch.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Dr. Castrato said...

quickman IS a bitch. but mega man 2 is a real step up from mega man one. i dare say its my favorite mega man.

12:32 PM  

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