
Thrills and Chills and Daffodils.

Man, I need to jazz this thing up. I need to get some interesting posts. Looking back over the last ten or so, there aren't any that really stick out as being that quintessential aristic work that go into many of my previous efforts. I'm rededicating myself. I was going to rant about the final episode of "The Bachelor", and it's general shittiness (no showdown between Charlie and the two girls; they were told independently; how stupid!). Not today. Not gonna' phone it in today. I won't have a drink, 'til "Update" is through, that's my promise to you, the thosewhodig readeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr!

God, it's sunny out. The air is clear. The birds are singing. The rampant and disgusting smog is barely visable to the east, south, and north. And I'm feelin' fine because I just got a call from 21st Century Insurance, the upshot of which is that the person who hit me actually does have insurance after all and I can get a rental car! BOO-YEAH!! Not all is right with the world, but I'm feeling better than I was yesterday. This rental car thing is especially good because it turns out my car is going to be in the shop for three weeks. Three freakin' weeks!

Riding the bus to school has been interesting, though generally unpleasant. For some reason, Cowboy Jim is always on the bus with me. He's extended his route, though, apparently. He used to ride only one stop. Now he rides all the way to the mall near campus. Still wears the same vinyl black cowboy hat, though.

I talked to my mother a few nights back and it was a bit of an interesting conversation. My mom is so worldly these days; she always wants to know if I'm seeing someone (questions I've been successfully dodging going on two years), and she has a really healthy perspective on things. The one shitty thing is that the president of Baker University (in my hometown) is retiring, which means they'll be looking for a new one. And since my dad was such a BMOC back when he was dean, it's likely they'll be interested in him. Hopefully he turns them down, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he won't. If he interviews there I'm going to tear him a new one; it just would be too tough for my mom to take. She said she'd have to move, but I'm not going to sit here and have her move. That would be the last straw as far as I'm concerned.

Ok, Ok. So this post was a little fragmented. You gotta work into these things. It's possible I may have started drinking before "Update" was through. So go screw yourself.


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