
Alien3, and other Crap

My students are turning in their final portfolios today. I have to have 30 of those bad boys graded by Wednesday. That means, at 21 pages apiece, I'm looking at grading 630 pages of student writing in, oh, five days? Suck. And freshman in college don't exactly know how to construct the most enticing writing in history. I mean, sometimes you get on of those papers that makes you remember that it's all worth it, but those are few and far between. Mostly they're the same B-level portfolio repeated ad naseum. Oh well, at least I get paid. And don't have to go to an office from nine to five. Oh wait...yeah I do. Oh, and the pay is really shitty. Er...why am I doing this again?

I finally remembered to save my work on Cubase last night. I have about a minute of five vocal tracks being layered on top of each other. It doesn't sound too bad, either. I mean, I didn't time out the breathing or anything, but I have to say, in 20 minutes, I have a decent minute or so or vocal recordings. My problem is that I can't figure out how to send an individual track to the left or right, i.e., I can't figure out how to mix down in stereo. I'm sure A. will be able to tell me.

After that I watched, or attempted to watch, Alien3. Why, you ask? Well, a long time ago, when I was but a Netflix novice, I added it to my queue because it was the one Alien installment that I hadn't seen. So I forget that it's on my Queue. And when I send back the second disk of the second season of "Jeeves and Wooster", I forgot that it was second on my list, behind only a movie listed with "Short Wait." Crud. So I try to watch it last night. What a piece of trash. I actually thought the movie was going to be interesting after the first 45 minutes or so, since there's this interesting doctor character that Ripley has a brief affair with. We get emotionally invested in his past, and just as he reveals to Ripley the sordid details, he gets unceremoniously capped by the Alien! That was it for me. I hung up.

I'm looking at some more studio apartments on Saturday and Monday. Maybe I'll find something that's to my liking. Not bloody likely, but we'll see.


Blogger Bacillus said...

Are you the one teaching this class? 'Cause if you are then you have no reason to bitch about all the pages of student writing to read. I mean, you could easily have assigned say, 6 pages for the portfolio. Then you'd only have 180 pages to grade! See how simple it is!

9:13 AM  

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