
Mothersbaugh = Byrne?

I know that 1982 was a year of triumph for geek rock, but Mark Mothersbaugh's performance here bears an undeniable resemblance to David Byrne's spastic "Stop Making Sense" dances.  Zeitgeist, anyone?

Mothersbaugh = Byrne?

I know that 1982 was a year of triumph for geek-rock, but the similarities between Mothersbaugh's performance here and David Byrne's spastic "Stop Making Sense" dances are undeniable.  Zietgeist, anyone?

Party Statistics

Here's a rough aggregate sampling of the overall drinking at my Fancy Dress Ball last night.

I started out with roughly twenty beers in my fridge, a collection of Newcastle, St. Pauli Girl, and Pilsner Urquell.

Add to that a six pack of:
1.  Red Nectar
2.  Bass
3.  Dos Equis
4.  Negro Modelo
5.  Negro Modelo
6.  Negro Modelo

Add to that a twelve pack of:
1.  Newcastle

And you have a rough total (that I know of) of sixty-eight beers.  How may beers were half-drank, skunky the next morning?  Zero.  How many beers were unopened?  Two.  Two.  Which makes for a rough aggregate total of 66 verifiable beers consumed.  There is probably more.  One of the leftover beers was of a kind I didn't recognize, so there was probably a six pack that was floating around that didn't get counted.  So let's set the rough total at a conservative seventy.

How many people attended this party?  My rough head count comes in at nineteen, although I might be forgetting a soul or two, so let's bump it up to an even 20.  Subtract two people for the collection of three or four people who left relatively early.  Subtract three more people who were non-drinking designated drivers.  That's a total of four and 2/3rds beers per person.

Add to that an entire bottle of Goldschlager, half a bottle of gin, a full bottle of wine, and at least a full fifth of bourbon, and you've got yourself one bangin' party.

Party Statistics

Here's a rough aggregate sampling of the overall drinking at my Fancy Dress Ball last night.

I started out with roughly twenty beers in my fridge, a collection of Newcastle, St. Pauli Girl, and Pilsner Urquell.

Add to that a six pack of:
1. Red Nectar
2. Bass
3. Dos Equis
4. Negro Modelo
5. Negro Modelo
6. Negro Modelo

Add to that a twelve pack of:
1. Newcastle

And you have a rough total (that I know of) of sixty-eight beers. How may beers were half-drank, skunky the next morning? Zero. How many beers were unopened? Two. Two. Which makes for a rough aggregate total of 66 verifiable beers consumed. There is probably more. One of the leftover beers was of a kind I didn't recognize, so there was probably a six pack that was floating around that didn't get counted. So let's set the rough total at a conservative seventy.

How many people attended this party? My rough head count comes in at nineteen, although I might be forgetting a soul or two, so let's bump it up to an even 20. Subtract two people for the collection of three or four people who left relatively early. Subtract three more people who were non-drinking designated drivers. That's a total of four and 2/3rds beers per person.

Add to that an entire bottle of Goldschlager, half a bottle of gin, a full bottle of wine, and at least a full fifth of bourbon, and you've got yourself one bangin' party.


Wait a minute...

The Washington Post has this to say today about the inability of many students to write in cursive:

Many educators shrug. Stacked up against teaching technology, foreign languages and the material on standardized tests, penmanship instruction seems a relic, teachers across the region say. But academics who specialize in writing acquisition argue that it's important cognitively, pointing to research that shows children without proficient handwriting skills produce simpler, shorter compositions, from the earliest grades.

Wait.  So those people who don't have cursive produce shorter, simpler essays?  And that's bad?  I say, no cursive in schools!  Who's with me?!