
Something deep inside of me is talking through the gloom.

My Bowie obsession has now reached dangerous levels. With my recent purchases of "Diamond Dogs" and "David Bowie: Stage" (which, by the way, is awesome), I now have a near-complete collection of Bowie's classic 70s records. And I'm really listening to nothing else these days.

The interesting thing, though, is that for the first time in a long time I feel like I'm learning something new about music and how it can be played and written when I listen to this stuff. As Math Rock is fond of pointing out, "Station to Station" has excerizes in phenomenally interesting phrasing. Consider the "Once there were mountains..." bit in the song "Station to Station". Also, the chorus in "Stay". Sweet.

No Prince. No Maiden. Just Bowie, all day long. I'm not wearing glitter yet, thankfully.

In other news, I just watched the new David Mamet-penned movie "Edmond". It was an interesting movie. But what was more interesting than the movie itself was the marketing for the movie. In particular, I mean the blurbs and descriptions of the movie that appear on the DVD box. Here's my internal dialog:

Me: Hmm..."Edmond". Never heard of it. Oh, it's Mamet. That's ok, I guess. "House of Games" was good, but the rest of his stuff is, eh, ok.
Box: A heart-pounding thriller!
Me: Thriller, eh? Maybe. But I'm not yet convinced that it's really a thriller.
Box: This year's must-see thriller!
Me: This one might turn out to be a thriller, but I want something that's definitely a thriller.
Box: William H. Macy gets caught in a web of sex and murder in this suspenseful thriller by David Mamet.
Me: MMM. I see. Sex and murder. Maybe it is a thriller.
Box: Deception is in the air in this pulse-pounding thriller!
Me: Is this really a thriller? I don't know...it does have Julia Stiles. Are you sure it's not a dance movie?
Box: Special Features: Anatomy of a Thriller with David Mamet
Me: Well, if it's in the special features....but I don't know, I'm still not convinced that this movie is a genuine thriller.
Box: Aspect Ratio: Widescreen. Runtime: 82 minutes. Genre: Thriller.
Me: AHA! Well, if it's says it's really a thriller, that's good enough for me.

Turns out that "Edmond" is not a thriller. Duped again.


Blogger Christa said...

have you moved yet?

9:48 PM  

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