
You think that's what you think that's what they all say before I blow you away.

It's Dale's time to 'fess up. I'm a Johnny-come-lately in the extreme.

No, it's not about my extremely late-coming Red Sox fandom.

No, it's not about my dragged-kicking-and-screaming appreciation of The Beach Boys.

And no, it's not about my recent discovery and abuse of the word "fresh" as a term of approbation.

It's about my incredibly late discovery of The Shins' great record "Oh, Inverted World." In fact, I'm so late here, they've already appeared on a soundtrack (Garden State) that everyone else (besides me) knows about.

But damn, it's a fantastic record. Thanks to A. for getting it to me. It's so warm. It's just about the only record with lyrics that I can write to and actually think to myself that the work that I'm doing makes sense and is worthwhile. (On an related note, I'll have a new paper I'm working on: "Epiphenomenal Respect" up on my philosophy page for those of you who know where it is.) I've been trying to figure out just what sort of effect the engineers used on the vocals - it sounds as though it's an incredibly slow rotary speaker, or a split-track that was double-chorused or something like that. But whatever it is, it's done very very well. So fresh.

Shelby disagrees. He claims: "pretentious sounding and annoying". Dead wrong, I say. Dead wrong. I'm throwing down, here, Shelby. Shins: yay.

On an unrelated note, isn't "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" the most exquisite insult anyone's ever heard?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

in general, i also like, "Your mama."

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's funny, ass-man, is that I played you some of the songs 2 xmas breaks ago in my apt in lawrence...and they failed to move you as they, for some untold reason, do now.


P.S.--Do you even like the *last* song? That song is undisputedly 100% lame.

12:00 PM  

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