
Facts are never what they seem to be.

I had the unfortunate displeasure of having to catch a bus today. This is unfortunate generally, but today it was especially unfortunate, given that the temperature has gone through the roof and the hot sun is beating down, burning my feet just a'walkin' around. The whole experience turned ugly when the bus finally showed up, a busload of people de-bus, and the driver tells us we can't get back on. Bus driver just sits there. No admittance to the bus. It's a little weird, really. She had this expression on her face like she just played her last trump card to buy some time before she could hightail it to the border, and it would be freedom, freedom, freedom all the way to Venezuela. Anyway, because it was an ungodly hot day, and this particular bus stop had no shade to speak of, we were getting very sweaty and very smelly very quickly.

Finally, a new bus showed up to replace the old on, which had some kind of mechanical problem, apparently. Anyway, I get on, and I swear it's a new bus. It's got, I'm crappin' you negative, that new bus smell.

After that, I did a little work and went to go see The Aristocrats, an interesting movie about what must be the most repulsively, disgustingly, disturbingly dirty joke ever told. Something like 70 different comedians were all telling their own versions of the joke, which ranged from the merely scatalogical, to the bestial, to the incestuous, to the pedophelic, to the necrophelic, etc., etc. The movie was definitely funny in parts, but it was directed by Penn Jillete, and midway through the movie I started to feel like I was being a little manipulated by Penn, i.e., he was using this dirty joke and all these unsuspecting comedians to make some sort of political statement about censorship, etc. I just felt used, to some degree. Penn generally pisses me off with his pseudo right-wing libertarian rants about this that and the other thing, but I was definitely feeling manipulated here. I felt like the comedians were being used as mere means, not ends in themselves.

Up for tomorrow: writing a Rawls lecture, and putting together my brand new Ikea wine rack. Woohoo!


Blogger Dr. Castrato said...

a wine rack. a wine rack. i dont even own *A* wine, much less many wines to necessitate an entire rack. what am i going to do ...with a wine rack?

8:56 AM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Funny thing, really. The name of the wine rack I bought was "Barr". No shit.

8:49 AM  

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