

Why does anyone live anywhere besides San Diego?

That's a question I ask myself often. Here are the top candidates for answers:

1. There are places with better arts/cultural scenes.

True. But those places have major disadvantages. Like awful weather. Could be that those disadvantages are outweighed by the advantage of the cultural scenes, but that would have to be one hell of an advantage.

2. Racist against Latinos.

Clearly not a good reason.

3. Upset at 1. lack of public transportation, 2. traffic, 3. smog.

I can see 1 and 2, maybe; but the point I raised in 1 remains. The transportation advantages would have to be weighed against San Diego's advantages. But, of course, if you are dependent upon public transportation, those advantages are unlikely to come to fruition, so perhaps 1 is a good reason. As for 3, what smog? All the smog from our cars gets sucked up in the air current to LA! HAH! SUCKERS!

4. Murdered someone in San Diego, on lam.

Yeah, I can see that.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


Blogger Dr. Castrato said...

I've never been to San Diego, but I do know that it's a long way from Wrigley Field. So there's one reason not to live there.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Matthew J. Brown said...

Well, it kind of looks like the weather in San Diego is broken. My neighbor is building an arc and collecting two of everything.

12:11 PM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Yeah, what the fuck? At least it's sunny today, but 'tis cold as a witch's teat.

7:56 AM  

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