
What'd I Say?

Apparently, the price of food has already started to escalate in the tsunami-affected regions. People whose livelihoods have been decimated by the tsunami will be unable to afford food in the coming months if something isn't done to allay the rising food prices, and also to provide fair compensation to food vendors who rely on selling food to be able to buy food for themselves and their families. Governments and agencies the world over must arrange their aid to save the most possible now. If that is not done, mark my words, this will be one of the most devastating famines the world has ever seen.

Also, for those interested in donating, I've provided links to the sites of reputable international aid agencies over there on the right. I urge you to donate all you can afford. I also urge you to avoid donating to USAid, given that agency's manipulative practices in doling out relief to needy populations. Use OXFAM or UNICEF.


Blogger Shelby said...

Earlier today I donated what I could to http://www.airserv.org . I'm not sure I gave enough though...I'll be able to know by tomorrow what I can and can't afford. I decided not to rent movies tonight because of this...now I have to watch King of Queens reruns and--read.

I agree wholeheartedly with the notion of acting now. It's too bad these people are at the mercy of the beureaucratic bottlenecking characteristic of big governments.

5:43 PM  
Blogger dd0031 said...

Huh. That's an interesting site. I gave to OXFAM, but that organization looks legit. Hopefully there are no corporate carpet-baggers out there that use the tsunami accidents as an excuse to raise donations, only a fraction of which are then used to assist.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Shelby said...

I think Dale is totally right; things will be getting much worse. It's horrible. I can't help but feel that our 9/11/01 tragedy is only, now, remarkable insofar as it was a human "creation" at the hands of misguided people. This is far worse, at the hands of chance. I don't mean for my words to reflect some self-importance, it's just that I'm typing away at a computer while someone's mother is at the bottom of the ocean and I can't, in my sheltered situation, relate. It's hard for me to say all of this without sounding dramatic, and I understand this. I'm just trying to get this out.

Tomorrow, many of us will be going to parties.

-----KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 (Bernama) -- The death toll in Acheh, the region worst hit by last Sunday's tsunami, may exceed 400,000 as many affected areas could still not be reached for search and rescue operations, Indonesia's Ambassador to Malaysia Drs H. Rusdihardjo said Thursday.

He said the estimate was based on air surveillance by Indonesian authorities who found no signs of life in places like Meulaboh, Pulau Simeulue and Tapak Tuan while several islands off the west coast of Sumatera had "disappeared".

He said the latest death toll of more than 40,000 in Acheh and northern Sumatera did not take into account the figures from the other areas, especially in the west of the region.-----

12:23 AM  

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